How does interactive learning shape the very foundation of a mindful and sound being?
December 3, 2024
Chitra Arun
How does interactive learning shape the very foundation of a mindful and sound being?

How does interactive learning shape the very foundation of a mindful and sound being?

Interactive engagement is one of the key elements of any class. This not only ensures that the students follow the concepts but also makes sure that they are interacting with the concepts in a fun way which nourishes their inquisitiveness. The attention span of a student, be it of any age group is much lower than what we can expect, so it is extremely crucial to put in some serious efforts to grab their much-needed attention. 

For a country like ours which has seen eons of monotonous learning and have only witnessed the traditional blackboard and chalk as a mode of conveying information, it gets really important to paint some colors amidst the black and white teaching landscape.  As per a recent report, it is noticed that interactive and fun learning improves the learning capabilities of the students.

And to be truly honest it is not any difficult either. Every classroom session can be made interactive with a mix of practical learning and enjoyable gamification.

Let us dive into some of the methods which will help in creating engaging students in the best possible way to a classroom.

  1. A quick round of warm-up

 A mind prep in the form of a warm-up is extremely essential for a good start to a great day. One of the best activities in this regard is to remember the key takeaways of the last lesson that was taught. This is not only a collaborative method to actively garner insights from the latest lesson but also in recognizing the mistakes or doubts that one may have. Moreover, it leaves room for discussion which makes the activity all the more essential and important.

2. Movement for the senses

It is really important to improve the focus and attention of the students, and you can achieve that using games and activities which require a change in body posture and demands for them to be more active. It can be a quiz based challenge wherein physical dares are involved or a team-based game wherein the students get their competitive streak right on. Any form of learning that requires a physical movement is highly recommended as that not only enhances the learning but also enhances the learning curve that the student will follow.

3. Encouraging questions and doubts:

Teachers should develop a style of question-answer based sessions. This not only gives room for a healthy debate and discussion but also gives the students a healthy platform for raising questions or doubts regarding whatever is being taught. This also helps the students to understand the lessons better. If the teacher is more encouraging of the questions then the generally shied away students who stop themselves from clearing their doubts will also stand up leading to an all-in-all healthier classroom environment.

4. Consider students interests:

Following the same routine style in teaching every subject brings a sense of monotony to the classroom. After a point, it becomes highly unbearable for the students to even grasp a single concept. Rapid and repetitive glances on the watch is always a sign of prohibitive learning and also a bad lecture. So it is great to jazz things up a little. It is great to mix teaching style. Invite interactive group discussions and also ask the students for their preferences. There are certain subjects that can be explained in the form of modeling and then there are others which can be explained through the practical session while there are others which are best explained through a step by step proofing method. It is always good to have options and a mixed back while teaching. It not only improves the quality of the content that is being taught but also forces the students to think outside the box.

5.  Gamification

Gamification is one of the proven best methods to teach as it is always inclusive of “learn” and “fun”. Interactive classroom games such as chapter-based cubes and crossword can not only enhance the student’s memory but also their vocabulary. Teachers can also blend in creative teamwork activities into these along with competitive games to kindle the spirit of better learning for the students. 

6. Group works!

Group activity and group projects are the best way to learn and imbibe certain life qualities into the students. Group assignments can be given once a while so that students can interactively think in groups and improve their decision making the skill. Group assignments also blend in several ideas from a varied range of students to highlight several traits aligning with their nature of thinking. This is one of the classic ways to increase engagement and fun significantly in the classroom.

7. Visual to the aid

Video sessions are a good option to grab the student’s attention and focus. The visual elements are processed faster by the brain and this can make a remarkable impact on their understanding of the topic.

Variety can be made in this strategy too by including video presentations with beautiful slides or giving them video tutorials. Considering its importance, smartboard options are gaining more importance in today’s classrooms.

Video sessions are a great way to grab a student’s attention. It is a very scientific yet fun methodology to grab the attention of the students. The visual elements are processed faster by the brain which makes a remarkable impact in the faster understanding of the topic. The best part about the Video sessions is that it can further be amplified into a variety of ways in which momentum can be gained, be it video presentations, video decks, video tutorials, video sliders with some really catchy images. Considering the importance of video sessions smart room based projective learning is seeing a thorough rise in the last decade. It has also been highly supported by the Indian government in terms of an educational venture.

Round up:

The sole concept of the classroom is to proliferate ideas and enhance the learning methodology. Engaging learning methodology not only helps an individual to understand the concepts in the most enriching way but also inculcates in them behavioral thinking from a very young age. It nurtures and shapes the very foundation of a mindful and sound being.

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