Ways in Which the Education Sector Should Cope with Covid-19
December 3, 2024
Chitra Arun

Ways in Which the Education Sector Should Cope with Covid-19

The recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has grappled the education sector for a firm standing. UNESCO reports that more than 197 countries around the globe have completely shut down educational institutions affecting more than 17 billion students across the globe. The numbers itself are more than enough to tell the story. The most surprising thing is the amount of coverage area that it has spanned. 

Even though we frequently see education systems getting disrupted due to climate changes, natural hazards, political conflicts, etc. However, we have never witnessed such a level of disruption of the education sector ever since world war 2. While the government has chosen for the closure of the schools keeping in mind the containing of the virus, they still are to follow necessary steps towards obligating the importance of education.

Responses to the COVID-19 nationwide crisis is varied depending on the preparedness of each institution and their respective coping mechanism for the same. The preparedness aspect is wholly decided by a range of factors interfacing with preparedness such as technological fulfilment, internet availability, digital learning modules, etc. 

According to a recent Indian survey, the estimated nearest date for which the schools are expected to close down is the end of May, which makes it almost three months of inactivity on the education front. Additionally, as per the poll, almost 81% of the people want the schools closed in the recent view of the crisis to limit contagion to their children. While on one hand, this is a fair choice, on the other hand, there is a massive decay of learning that is happening. This leaves us with the only probable option to look for other means to grapple the situation

Let us look at some ways through which we can manage the educational crisis amidst the pandemic:


In a nation like India influenced by COVID-19, governments should concentrate on moderating the effects on children who as of now experience hindrances getting to instruction, or who are at higher danger of being avoided for an assortment of reasons. These incorporate kids with handicaps, students in remote areas, the individuals who rely upon schools for their learning and their meals, and those whose families have lost salary because of employment cuts especially school/college workers, janitors, teachers, peons or are in any case in a troublesome circumstance. 

To help with the school closures, governments ought to consider giving basic allowances to the families of the students booked under the meal scheme or BPL scheme, or who get family-related social security help. 


UNESCO has prescribed that nations embrace an assortment of high-tech, low-tech and no-tech answers for guaranteeing the congruity of learning. The schools should make a phase shift to web-based learning with the help of Interactive display panels such as Senses Intelligent Interactive Panels for online and distance learning, which gives varied connectivity options. This makes sure that the entire classroom is connected with the help of the interactive panel. The interactive display panel in a combination of the web is the perfect mixture of high-tech, low-tech and no solutions to keep the river flowing amidst the epidemic. This will additionally require tremendous support from the teacher’s end as well.


When schools revive, school authorities ought to glance through their enlistment records and verify who hasn’t appeared at school. Maintaining obligatory training commitments is key once some stability shows up guaranteeing any potential obstructions that may have emerged because of the emergency, are attended to. This implies they should keep an eye on families and networks with kids most in danger of dropping out and guarantee that all students return. 

A ton of authentic school time will be lost as instruction frameworks scramble. Even though web-based learning ought to be utilized to moderate the quick effect of school terminations, governments ought to guarantee that all kids recoup missed face to face class time once schools revive. Governments should as of now begin working with service authorities, educators’ associations and affiliations, associations for individuals with handicaps, and significant gatherings to structure and embrace relief techniques. 

These procedures should factor in plans for extra or beneficial teaching to recoup educating or contact hours lost, altering school schedules and test plans, and guaranteeing reasonable remuneration for instructors and school staff who are working extra hours and presenting themselves to the infection by proceeding to educate.


The government and educational institutes such as schools and colleges alike ought to gain from this experience, and fortify their training frameworks to withstand future emergencies, regardless of whether from a pandemic, future conflicts, or environmental change. This pandemic has indicated very few schools and institutions have put resources into their education emergency or have tried their ability to deal with disaster’s effects on the ongoing education system. Given the expectation and prediction of additional problems of this nature, this isn’t simply an option, but compulsion and imperative to ensure kid’s and youth’s right to education during shaky times


As we have witnessed from the points above, there is a tremendous need to make a switch to more remote forms of education such as display panels, online courses, and web-based learning. This will not only make sure that the learning stream continuously flowing uninterrupted but also makes sure that we are prepared for future emergencies of such nature. Moreover, the government to put in a special focus on the underprivileged students and students with special needs so that we all together in a congregation can grow as a nation and combat any possible problems that pose a threat to our educational system.

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