How Interactive Display panels can help schools continue delivering classes amidst the COVID-19 outbreak
December 3, 2024
Chitra Arun

How Interactive Display panels can help schools continue delivering classes amidst the COVID-19 outbreak

With the global pandemic instilling panic amongst people, the educational sector in many countries announced the closing of schools to ensure the safety and security of their students. COVID-19 is spreading at an alarming rate and it seemed best to not call the students to school and increase the chances of spreading the virus. But does that mean learning will come to a halt altogether? Nope. Learning should never stop. But how do you think that will be possible in times of crisis like this? Interactive display panels are the answer.

Your child doesn’t have to, and should not go to a physical classroom in the wake of this disruption to continue his/her education. The schools are making provisions to conduct lessons online with the help of Interactive and collaborative touch screen for schools, where they do not even have to go to school to attend and participate in classes. Let’s dive into how these Interactive Display Panels are proving to be a boon for all the stakeholders in the education ecosystem.

  1. Avoid transmission by not physically sharing any material –These Interactive flat panels allow the teachers and students to share and circulate any learning material or notes amongst each other online. The system is entirely touchscreen and doesn’t require the students to carry notebooks or workbooks. Your kids can take full advantage of BYOD policies and use them solely by themselves. These panels give teachers the control of the devices of the students to present to them valuable information. All your kid will need to do is connect his/her device to the app.
  2. Remote Access –You will obviously want your child to stay as far away from the virus as possible even if it means not allowing him/her anywhere near other people. But how will your kids’ study if they don’t have the library to go content hunting for their homework or their teacher to help them with their doubts? Don’t worry! Your kids can have access to the lecture notes and other education-related material through the in-built educational browser that has only educational content and nothing else. They can also receive and submit their homework and clear their doubts with the teachers while staying at home. Artificial Intelligence-powered classrooms using Interactive Display panels are the correct way to keep the show going on. What if you want to know about how your child is doing in class? Have a word with the teacher and see the scoreboard through the technology installed in the system.
  3. No isolation needed –Corona Virus requires isolation and no contact, but Interactive display panels for classrooms don’t. The lectures are live-streamed, and the entire class can join and mark their attendance, all remotely from the convenience of their homes. The teacher can make use of the smartboard to impart the lessons to the whole class, all online. Like any lecture that goes on a class, this lecture is conducted in the same manner, with a virtual setup, view board instead of blackboard, pen and highlighter tool instead of chalk and educational browser instead of books. It is a truly advanced system that makes education sustain even in severe times.
  4. Pre-Installed Learning Software –Now that the schools have come to a standstill, and the students aren’t going to institutes, how do you think they will stay updated, and learn new things from each other and the outside world and actually apply these learnings? With the help of learning software that comes pre-installed with the system. There are so many features that this software has which are beneficial for both, the teachers as well as the students. Your kids will have the latest relevant knowledge right at their fingertips.
  5. Game-based learning –This phase is so stressful that all we can think and talk about is the COVID-19 virus and how it is hampering all lives and destroying that of so many others. It’s not like you can go take a vacation with the family to reduce the tension. And with the schools closed, it is difficult for the children to channel their energy in some direction. So, to have some fun and not waste time at the same time, interactive display panels provide game-based learning that facilitates more student engagement.

Even though the pandemic has all of us biting our nails, our kids need to be kept sane and away from the disruption of it. Schools making use of interactive display panels is a huge step in that direction and it is also keeping the students educated, entertained and safe at the same time.

Did you know that there are some schools in Southern India which are already continuing to deliver classes all through this pandemic using Senses Intelligent Interactive Panels?

Video courtesy: Aisanet News

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