How to engage interactive teaching methods in education successfully
December 3, 2024
Chitra Arun
How to engage interactive teaching methods in education successfully

How to engage interactive teaching methods in education successfully

As a prerequisite to every environment where the process of teaching and learning takes place, the interaction between the teacher and the student is a must. How much the pupils interact with their teacher by asking questions and raising relevant doubts directly correlates to how well they understand their lesson. Interactive classrooms are the need of the hour if we wish to grant our children and the future generations of this country, a bright and reliable future.

As we move towards delivering interactive teaching methods in education and an advanced learning environment equipped with enhanced technological devices, we must discard age old conventional practices of teaching and welcome newer strategies and practices. In this blog, we will talk about the advantages of smart board and whiteboard over chalkboard and some crucial teaching methods that are essential in order to transform a classroom setting into a learning environment that promotes holistic growth of the students.

Advantages of smartboards in schools:

Eliminating harmful chalk dust from the air that they inhale and significantly reducing the strain that is put on their eyes while trying to figure out what is written on the dusty chalkboard, smartboards and whiteboards have been transforming teaching methods for quite a while now and need more attention and acknowledgement. When compared to chalkboards, smartboards have diverse advantages. Smartboards not only help to keep the students attentive and drawn to the subject that is been taught but can also make any subject seem interesting and doable. You can use smartboards without a computer or interactive whiteboards instead of chalkboards to bring is some very positive changes in your classroom.

You will observe that your efforts are reaching the child and is also being reciprocated by him in the form of good results and exam performances, just by interchanging a chalkboard with an interactive smart board. A prominent advantage of whiteboard over chalkboard is the ease of projection. Since, chalkboard is made out of a darker surface, projecting anything on it will have very poor visibility but a whiteboard on the other hand, does the job seamlessly.

Interactive teaching methods in education that can be very useful in schools:

  • Introduction of technology in the classrooms- 21st century kids have grown up with technology and high-tech devices from the very beginning. But what most parents fail to understand is, the use of technology that helps in building a great learning environment for their children and brings about changes in the teaching methods in education, can do wonders to their academic performance. If they’re given access to interactive fat panels, whiteboards, smartboards, tablets and other such devices, learning will become a fun and enjoyable process.
  • Visualization of ideas and concepts- As someone rightly said, education shouldn’t be limited to bookish knowledge and facts. It should be governed by physical experience and first-hand learning of concepts. This is only possible with proper visualization of every idea and thought that is presented to them. This is one such advantage of smartboards in schools, where several high-quality pictures and videos can be played. This is how visualization can be achieved.
  • Cooperative and huddled learning- Encouraging students from different levels of academic capacity of work on group projects and discussions while helping each other can be a great way of instilling interactive education amongst students. Teachers can give puzzles and experiments to students and arrange group presentations to promote cooperative learning.
  • Encourage their enquiries and questions- Help students clear their doubts and queries about a certain subject as many times as you can. Encourage them to ask questions to the teacher in charge as well as to their peers during study sessions. All these habits help in clearing up of concepts amongst the students and consequently has a positive impact on their scores.
  • Transform learning with Senses- Senses is a brand that aims at bringing about a dynamic change in the world of education with the help of digitised tools and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Conceptual understanding and transforming age-old teaching methods is the topmost priority of the team at Senses. The products available at Senses promote futuristic learning and promises a bright and happy tomorrow for your child. Check out our blogs and products.

All these teaching methods in education and learning can be of great use to children with special needs and those who need to be extra attentive in order to understand a certain topic. Parents, teachers and educational officers must inculcate these things into everyday school settings and observe the positive results on their own.

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