How to Motivate Students for Online Classes
Inattentiveness and disinterest of students are among the primary concerns about online classes. More often than not, parents find their students distracted by their phones while the teacher is delivering the class. The screen is mere background noise. This becomes more concerning as online classes are going to continue on their course at least until things resume normalcy. In such a scenario, what is the role of the teacher? How can a teacher motivate their students and get them to pay attention?
While several elements can help increase engagement, a digital whiteboard is a game-changer when it comes to delivering engaging online sessions. A smart board with an interactive panel can bring dull concepts to life with visual aids. Owing to its exciting host of features, an interactive whiteboard is a great investment for teachers struggling to increase engagement with students.
Aside from the digital board for teaching, here are some methods that teachers conducting online classes can employ to increase the active participation of students:-
Make Sessions Interactive
To replicate the engagement and interactivity of a physical class in a virtual setting, teachers can simply ask questions to students about the topic at timely intervals. If the students are not actively responding, the teacher can call out names which will compel students to pay attention because their name could be called out to answer the next question.
In addition to this, teachers can add quizzes and challenges to online sessions as a recap of what was covered in the previous class. This will also help students remember the key points of each class.
A digital whiteboard with an interactive panel is another addition to your engagement tool kit that will help you design an immersive session. The reasonable digital board price is another reason why teachers should consider investing in one soon.
Use a Variety of Instructional Methods
As every student is unique in their own capacity, a teacher has to don multiple hats to cater to the instructional needs of each student. Some students understand concepts better when explained visually whereas some others can comprehend better by just listening. An interactive whiteboard is a smart class room solution as it can help teachers incorporate all these elements together. The interactive board by Senses Electronics comes with a bright LED display and an intelligent insert feature that allows teachers to insert images, videos, and documents wirelessly to incorporate in their classes. A smart board is an optimal solution as it will help instructors include visual, audial, and textual formats so every student gets an equal opportunity of comprehension. The smart board price in India is such that teachers can invest in one with ease. Moreover, as online classes are predicted to grow exponentially, the digital board price will pay for itself in the years to come.
Encourage Student Collaboration
Aside from the regular disciplines, educators also need to focus on teaching important life skills to students. Teamwork and leadership qualities are favoured in professional settings and to sharpen these, teachers can assign group work to students. Working together also enhances creativity as it helps students bounce ideas off each other to create a compelling project. Teachers can also involve themselves in the assignment by giving students the right guidance as and when needed.
Give Easy Access to Resources
One of the merits of online education is that it allows self-paced learning opportunities. This is especially beneficial for working professionals and adults with additional commitments as it allows them to study in their own time. However, to supplement this need, teachers need to provide access to relevant information regarding the course and the topics. There are several educational materials on the web that can be shared with the students for a deeper study of the subject matter. This will encourage an intellectual discourse amongst the students and will help them understand the topic in greater detail. A digital whiteboard allows direct access to the internet so that teachers can eliminate the use of different devices for different purposes. Using the interactive panel of the smart board, teachers can also record their sessions to be shared with the students later.
Provide Feedback to Students
Feedback is a crucial element of online learning. In a physical setting, teachers can give feedback in real-time that can help students identify their mistakes sooner. However, because this isn’t possible in the online forum, teachers need to give timely and sensitive feedback to keep students from deviating. An interactive whiteboard helps incorporate technology in learning by providing video or audio feedback so students can engage in the course better. In conclusion, a digital board for teaching is a smart class room solution as it helps increase engagement with students in an online as well as an offline setting. Education is undergoing a fundamental transformation and an interactive board is an important milestone in this change. The reasonable smart board price in India makes it easier to invest in this interactive and engaging technology.