What is ECCE? Understand the Foundation of Learning 
December 3, 2024
Chitra Arun
what is the full form of ecce

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, promotes the idea that ‘learning begins at birth’. The organisation believes young children have the right not only to survive but also to thrive and develop to their fullest potential. ECCE, Early Childhood Care and Education aims to help children develop understanding of literacy, numeracy, creativity, emotions, and other age-appropriate skills at an early age between 0 to 8 years.  

In this blog, we will discuss “What is ECCE?” and its significance in detail. 

So, without delay Let’s dive deep into the post. 

What is ECCE? 

ECCE is an abbreviation for early childhood care and education (ECCE).  It is a fundamental and integral part of the education system. It addresses birth to 8 years as a critical stage for children that lays the foundation of social-emotional learning, education, health, and nutrition. 

It is school-based, centre-based, institutionalised,  community-based, or home-based, care and learning for young children between 0 to 8 years old. In different countries, ECCE is known through various names such as early childhood care and development (ECCD), early childhood care and education, early childhood development (ECD), early childhood education (ECE), early childhood education, care, and development (ECECD), and early childhood education and development (ECED).

International Standard Classification of Education 2011 (ISCED) classifies ECCE into two parts- 

  • Early childhood educational development (Child Care) for children ages 0-2 years
  • The initial stage of organised learning from age 3 to 8 in pre-primary school 

The ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education) is recognised in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and offers a holistic learning approach to young children. It promotes play-based learning and inclusive learning environments. 

Importance of ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education)

Early childhood care and education are critical for several reasons, including:

  • Early childhood is the period when children’s brains develop most rapidly and have a high capacity to adapt to change. 
  • The foundation for good health, wellbeing, and socio-emotional development is laid. 
  • Early childhood care helps in fostering creativity, critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and self-expression skills. 
  • The ECCE enables children to build on their preschool skills. 
  • Early childhood care and education offer opportunities for early learning that support children through life. 

However, despite its significance, the ECCE still needs to be prioritised.  Schools, teachers, parents, educational institutions, and the child welfare community are crucial in providing early childhood care and education. 

Current Status of ECCE 

Private and government institutions for early childhood education are increasing at its pace. However, it does not offer that quality to the children. According to the study conducted by CECED, Ambedkar University, children participating in early childhood care & education need to develop adequate skills for primary school. It’s impacting the children’s primary grades. Education bodies, organisations, government and private schools are taking the initiative for early childhood care and education. 

UNESCO Approach for ECCE 

  • The organisation established a Global Partnership Strategy to bridge the gap and ensure that quality ECCE, early primary school years, and family education are available for all children. 
  • It collaborates with governments and other key stakeholders concerned with the care and education of young children from birth until primary school entry. 
  • UNESCO  ECCE activities focus on promoting holistic and quality pre-primary education for all children over the age of 3. 
  • The organisation promotes the integration of an ECCE component in countries’ education sector plans to address the needs of different age groups.  

NCERT Initiative in ECCE 

  • NCERT ( National Council of Educational Research and Training) provides significant input and academic support to government and non-government organisations and agencies in Preschool Education. 
  • NCERT started model preschools at four regional institutes of education in Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Ajmer, and Mysore.
  • It has developed two documents –  ‘The Preschool Curriculum’ and ‘The Guidelines for Preschool Education’ by understanding the necessity of early childhood care. 
  • With the collaboration of UNESCO, NCERT has established a Children’s Media Laboratory (CML) to discover and develop inexpensive, non-formal and effective media for children’s education and entertainment purposes. 

New Education Policy for ECCE 

National education policies encompass some recommendations for early childhood care and education. Some of those recommendations  involve: 

  • Universal provision for quality early childhood development, care, and education must be achieved by 2030 to ensure that all students entering Grade 1 are school-ready.  
  • NEP aims to help children attain physical and motor development, cognitive development, socio-emotional-ethical development, cultural/artistic development, and communication and early language, literacy, and numeracy through flexible, multifaceted, multi-level, play-based, activity-based, and inquiry-based learning. 
  • NEP promotes the establishment of stand-alone Anganwadis; (b) Anganwadis co-located with primary schools; (c) pre-primary schools/sections covering at least age 5 to 6 years co-located with existing primary schools; and (d) stand-alone pre-school for children’s holistic development with qualifies ECCE teachers. 
  • A national curricular and pedagogical framework for ECCE. 

Curriculum of ECCE (Early Childhood Care and Education)

what is ecce in education

NCERT is responsible for developing the curricula of ECCE. It has created three years of a curricular and pedagogical framework for preschool that aims for the child’s holistic development through play, activity and inquiry-based learning. Due some time, the autonomous education body will also develop the curricula and likenage for grades I & II as per the NEP. The ECCE curriculum focuses on:

Early literacy and numeracy 

The ECCE curriculum includes age-appropriate games, activities, and storytelling to help the children develop numeracy and literacy skills. This NEP initiative is the NIPUN Bharat Mission.  

Social & emotional development 

Early childhood care and education emphasise the social and emotional development of children at a younger age by promoting empathy, self-discipline, and positive relations with peers and caregivers. 

Physical development & wellbeing 

Physical development and well-being are integral parts of ECCE. The curriculum includes physical activities, motor skill development, outdoor play, and health education. 

Artistic skills & environmental awareness  

The ECCE curriculum supports the children’s artistic expressions and skills. It encourages children’s participation in dance, music, drawing, and painting. The ECCE also fosters a sense of environmental responsibility in children, instilling an understanding of nature, sustainability, and perseverance. 

Multilingual development 

ECCE aims for children to gain multilingual proficiency by learning their mother tongue and regional languages, along with Hindi and English. 

How Does Senses Support Early Childhood Care and Education in NEP? 

India’s leading manufacturer and marketer of Intelligent interactive panels, Senses Electronics, empowers schools, teachers, and ECCE trainers to impart high-quality teaching and learning experiences that align with National education policy. It assists teachers in conducting customised sessions for preschool children as early childhood care and education curriculum. 

  • The Senses panel helps students take theme-based, age-appropriate classes. 
  • It promotes interactive and engaging learning. 
  • Through the Senses panel, teachers can access globally available preschool study materials. 
  • It includes multiple language translation tools. 
  • It allows students to take virtual tours and more. 

Senses interactive panel with enriched features allows ECCE educators to teach the little children proficiently by involving them in several online and offline activities. 


Early childhood is a crucial age for children to foster the foundation for lifelong learning. Care and education quality at this age play a significant role in children’s overall well-being. ECCE enables the child’s development to ensure that children achieve overall physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. Senses Electronics supports this tailored development of children and aims to empower the education system. 

With installations of 50,000 panels in 4000 schools, Senses is a prime contributor to making Indian schools smart, teachers empowered, and students future-ready. 

Want to know if the Senses Panel could help you or your educational institute? Schedule a personalised demo!

FAQs Related to ECCE

What Do You Mean by ECCE?

ECCE is an early childhood care and education programme. It refers to all the courses for holistic development for children aged 0 to 8. 

What is the Role of ECCE in NEP?

ECCE in NEP (National Education Policy) focuses on providing a solid foundation for children between 0 and 8 years. It helps children develop literacy and numeracy skills, physical development, and well-being from an early age. 

What is the Period of ECCE?

The defined period of ECCE is between 0 to 8 years.

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